Submit an Accommodation Request to Your Instructor

  1. Log into new AU Access.

  2. Click Discover More to find the Academic Accessibility tab.

  3. Click AIM Student Portal under the Academic Accessibility header.

  4. Click Add Requests to reveal class schedule.

  5. Check box next to course(s) you wish to submit accommodations and click Continue to Next Step.

  6. Customize request(s) per course. Check accommodation(s) for each course or Select All for course.  

  7. Click Submit Request.

  8. You have now completed an accommodation request. OA will email a Faculty Notification Letter (FNL) with the description of your accommodations to you and the instructor.


PDF Instructions with Screenshots

What Comes Next?

  • After sending the FNL, students must follow-up with instructors to communicate about specific accommodation needs.

  • Accommodations are not retroactive, so timely communication is important. Please note, if you do not communicate with instructors, your accommodations may not be provided.

  • In-person or Zoom meetings are encouraged but not required for basic accommodations (Ex: extended test time). Faculty can communicate their plan for providing basic accommodations to students over email.

  • If you have a specific question(s) for one of our specialists, please email them directly or schedule an appointment.

Last updated: 08/07/2024