Requesting Job Accommodations

Faculty who feel they need workplace accommodations to perform the essential functions of their jobs should contact:

Kelley Taylor

ADA Coordinator

317 James E. Foy Hall


Transportation Available


jAUnt is a door-to-door golf cart service for students, faculty and staff with any medical condition that may make traveling within the central part of campus difficult. ThejAUntis a courtesy service, however students/faculty/staff must provide supporting documentation before being approved for golf cart rides

  • As services provided by jAUnt are reviewed through the Office of Accessibility, qualifying documentation must be submitted to the Office of Accessibility prior to scheduling service. All medical documentation along with any mobility aid information (wheelchair, scooter, walker, personal attendant, etc.) should be sent to Barclay Bentley at

  • Once documentation has been reviewed, notification will be sent to the applicant via email. If services through jAUnt are approved, you will receive information from the jAUnt Services email ( that will need to be reviewed, completed, and submitted prior to 4 pm the business day before being placed on the appointment schedule.

Reporting a Physical Access Issue

If you should encounter an accessibility issue around campus, please call the Office of Accessibility at 334-844-2096 or email us at The Office of Accessibility will inform the appropriate university unit of your notification.

Please be prepared to provide relevant information such as:

  • Building Name

  • Classroom Number

  • Elevator Location

  • Tiger Transit Bus Number

  • Door Opener Location and Building Name

  • Your contact information

  • Other pertinent information not listed above.

Elevator Or Lift Breakdowns and Repair

When an elevator serving a building ceases to operate, Facilities Management should be contacted immediately at 844-HELP (4357). The Office of Accessibility should also be made aware of this accessibility issue. Faculty and staff who become aware of a long-term repair of an elevator that could interfere with classroom access for someone with a physical limitation should contact the Office of Accessibility at 334-844-2096 or the Registrar Office at 334-844-2544 about getting the class changed to another location.

Accessibility Improvements

Departments and units should contact Facilities Management to request accessibility improvements to their areas.

Faculty with Vision Loss

Vision loss can occur during any point in life. This loss can impact your personal and professional lives. With the advancements of technologies, easier connections with people with similar disabilities, and more effort by employers, schools, and others to create a more inclusive environment, people with vision loss can participate and be productive citizens in their homes and marketplace. If you have a visual impairment or your vision is beginning to deteriorate, please do not hesitate to contact our office to discuss technologies and techniques that are available to assist you. We have staff members available with years of experience working with people with vision loss.

The following suggestions may be helpful. However, this topic is very broad, due to the variety of types and degrees of vision loss. Some of the suggestions will offer strategies for the teaching environment and others will suggest tactics for day-to-day activities that you might encounter on the job or in your personal life. We will continue to add resources and tips as we work with new technologies and find new solutions to create a more accessible environment. If you would like more information, please call us at 334-844-2096.

Workplace and Day-to-Day Tips

  • Both Windows and Apple operating systems come with built in screen magnifiers already installed on your computer. Office of Accessibility has a site license available to install JAWS text-to-speech and Zoomtext software on your work computer.

  • iPads have text-to-speech, zooming, font enlargement, and color contrast accessories that can be activated to assist you.

  • Digital recorders are a handy portable means of making notes. Mobile phones also have notes and voice memo applications to assist with this task.

  • Label file folders with different colors of labels.

  • Technology training is offered by the Office of Accessibility.

Classroom Tips


  • To help eliminate cheating on tests, use a fully sighted proctor. Also, utilize different forms of the test.

  • Adjust the environment as needed. For example, if glare is a problem, use a cloth on your podium to eliminate it. Also, you can adjust the lighting to meet your needs by having a portable light with you or adjusting the screen on your computer or tablet.

  • Require students to submit all assignments in an accessible electronic format.



If you need accommodation, speak with your supervisor. Faculty who feel they need workplace accommodations to perform the essential functions of their jobs should also contact:

Kelley Taylor

ADA Coordinator

317 James E. Foy Hall


  • The American Foundation for the Blind’s and the National Federation for the Blind contains a wealth of information about eye conditions, as well as suggestions for ways to adapt tasks using both high and low tech methods.

  • The Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services (ADRS) provides assistance to individuals to maintain employment if a disability occurs.


Last updated: 05/13/2024