Resolving Accommodation Requests Denied By Office of Accessibility Support Staff

If you would like to appeal a decision to deny your accommodation request(s) by your Accommodation Specialist, you should:

  • Provide a written appeal to the Office of Accessibility Director by email seeking a review of the request. The email should include the requested accommodation, the functional limitation that would be mitigated by the requested accommodation, and any other information that seems relevant.

  • Once the written appeal is received, the Director or designee will meet with your assigned Accommodation Specialist to discuss your appeal. Your disability documentation, history of accommodations, current course information, and any other pertinent information regarding your request will be discussed.

  • The Director or designee will review all information provided and, if needed, will include specific individuals that are trained or knowledgeable in the relevant area. The Director or designee will consider whether the request can be offered to you or if other accommodations might be more appropriate.

  • The Director or designee will respond to your appeal with a decision within 5 business of receiving the request. If the accommodation request(s) are denied, the reasoning for the denial will be provided. If alternative accommodations are available, they will be provided in the email reply.

  • If the appeal is denied and no other accommodation seems satisfactory, you will be encouraged to file a formal grievance with Auburn University’s ADA Coordinator:

Kelley Taylor

ADA Coordinator

317 James E. Foy Hall


Resolving Accommodation Requests Not Being Provided by Your Instructor

We encourage you to discuss accessibility or accommodation concerns with an Accommodation Specialist immediately. The Accommodation Specialist will attempt to resolve the situation quickly; however, if you remain concerned, other Office of Accessibility personnel and/or the Director may be consulted to develop a resolution. As pertains to the classroom and academic accommodations, our office may request that you meet with your instructor, the instructor's department chair, and a representative of the Office of Accessibility. If issues remain, you will be encouraged to contact the ADA/504 Compliance Office at 317 James E. Foy Union Building, 334-844-4794.

Elevator or Lift Breakdowns and Repair

When an elevator serving a building ceases to operate, Facilities Management should be contacted immediately at 844-HELP (4357). The Office of Accessibility should also be made aware of this accessibility issue. Faculty and staff who become aware of a long-term repair of an elevator that could interfere with classroom access for someone with a physical limitation should contact the Office of Accessibility at 334-844-2096 or the Registrar's Office at 334-844-2544 about getting the class changed to another location.

Accessibility Improvements

Departments and units should contact Facilities Management to request accessibility improvements to their areas.

Filing a Formal Grievance with Auburn University's ADA Coordinator

The University supports you in your right to file a grievance when you believe you have been denied equal access in the form of appropriate accommodations, modifications, auxiliary aids, or effective communication or suffered discriminatory harassment as described in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). If you believe you have been discriminated against on the basis of your disability, you should contact Auburn University’s Office of Affirmative Action/Equal Employment Opportunity to file an ADA complaint with the ADA Coordinator.

Last updated: 05/13/2024